The Journal of Northwest Anthropology, in partnership with Willamette Cultural Resources Associates, Ltd., will be coordinating the 2019 Northwest Anthropological Conference Student Paper Competition.
Entry details:
The competition is open to any individual enrolled in a degree-granting institution (graduate and undergraduate) who is registered for the conference (presenting the paper is not required).
Subject matter is open to all anthropological subjects and will ideally incorporate this year’s theme, “Confluence,” into the paper.
The winning papers will receive a cash prize (First Place = $500, Runner-up = $250). The first place paper will be published in the Journal of Northwest Anthropology (Volume 54); the second prize paper will also be considered for publishing, depending on content and remaining space in Volume 54.
Submit your manuscript (which should follow the guidelines listed below) as a PDF to the Journal of Northwest Anthropology ( with the subject “[First and Last name] NWAC 2019 Student Paper Competition submission.”
The entry deadline will be March 1, 2019.
Student paper competition manuscript guidelines:
Manuscripts will be submitted as both a PDF and Word document to with the subject “[First and Last name] NWAC 2019 Student Paper Competition submission.”
Individuals planning on submitting a manuscript for consideration are asked to notify JONA of their intention prior to February 22, 2019.
Manuscripts must be written by a single author. No co-authored papers will be accepted.
Manuscripts are not to exceed 7,000 words and will be prepared following the JONA Style Guide format. Figures and tables should be inserted immediately following their respective callouts in the article.
Submissions will be judged anonymously—the author’s name and institutional affiliation should be removed from the manuscript in both the Word and PDF versions. Acknowledgements should not be included in the submission as this affects anonymity (if chosen as winning paper, you may include acknowledgements when your manuscript is published in JONA).
Provide all contact information in the email used to submit the manuscript.
Judging Criteria:
a. Relevance of the problem or issue being investigated and clarity of
objectives,b. Originality of the premise,
c. Quality and implementation of the research design,
d. Incorporation of conference theme into the paper is not required,
but will be used as a tiebreaker,e. Quality of writing including excellent organization, flawless grammar, and
f. Ability to follow directions.
Questions about submissions should be emailed to the Journal of Northwest Anthropology (