What archaeological or anthropological project, discovery, or finding has had great significance or meaning to you? (ECTNA Prompt 1)

Essays on Current Topics in Northwest Anthropology

What archaeological or anthropological project, discovery, or finding has had great significance or meaning to you?

We all have experienced an archaeological or anthropological project that was particularly special. What was it about that particular project or event that made it so meaningful? Write a 750-word essay and try to explain what made it so meaningful. Perhaps it affected you and changed the course of your life; or perhaps it affected a person or a community and you found that impressive. Whatever it was, capture the experience in a short essay so that others will become aware and also learn from it.

Submit your essay to post (anonymously, if you wish) for the Pacific Northwest archaeological/anthropological community to read. Use the button below to email your essay (as plain text in the email or in an attached Word document—images are welcomed and encouraged).

With this essay exercise, JONA hopes to further facilitate writing in the discipline; collecting experiences, insights, and suggestions will assist other professionals in writing and publishing their own research.

(Special thanks to Jo Reese of AINW for our first ECTNA prompt!)

Submitted essays will appear here!